Although the Economy Bale option is low cost, it does have many benefits which are characteristic of a more expensive equine bedding. The high quality of the bedding makes it a popular choice for many farmers and horse owners across the UK. Below are some of the key benefits of choosing the Economy Bale today:
- As the equine bedding consists of double dust extracted wood shavings, both you and your horses are protected against undesirable respiratory problems as the bedding is very hygienic.
- The mixture of hardwood and softwood also makes it easy to clean out and ensures that the bedding lasts between cleans. The bedding can also be used with rubber mats.
- The texture of the bedding is also beneficial to your animals as it is designed specifically to not irritate or cause injury such as abrasions.
- Finally, our economy bale equine bedding is temperature neutralising, meaning that your horse will stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer.